Montreal Amateur Radio Club

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Montreal Amateur Radio Club Incorporated. (1949)

What is Amateur Radio?

  Amateur Radio,  also known as Ham radio is many different things to different people.  Whether it is passing messages from disaster areas to the outside world, public service in ones own community, the sharing of technical knowledge, or to the very act of international friendship over the airwaves.

  There are many different facets of the hobby which all hams (another name for amateur radio operators) engage in (i.e. building,  contesting, transmitter hunting,  etc.) and you are sure to find your niche in someome area of Amateur radio.  For example, Contesters may found during contest periods trying to contact as many different stations on a weekend or DX'ers might be heard calling far away countries.  As well, there are many sailors that use ham radio to contact friends back home while away travelling on the open sea.

  Ham radio has also changed, from the spark gap of Marconi era to the digital technology of today, amateur radio offers participants in the hobby many different activities and in the future ham radio will be there to serve both the community and world.

For further information on the club or information on our amateur radio classes.

We can be contacted here.

For more general information on amateur radio for beginners and how to get into Amateur Radio, see the Radio Amateurs of Canada page for beginners at: