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VE2RED - 147.270 MHz (+600 kHz) T103.5 Hz

VE2BG - 147.060 MHz (+600 kHz) T103.5 Hz

The repeaters are open for use by all licensed amateur radio operators.

VE2RED is on the air from Ridgewood Avenue in Montreal. The repeater uses a CTCSS tone of 103.5 Hz for access. Our thanks to Claude Everton, and the VE2RMP group for making this possible.

Until approximately 13h00 on May 23, 2019 VE2BG was located on the water tower in Pointe Claire along with the main antenna of the former Pointe Claire Fire Department and the West Island Mutual Fire Aid group. 

The repeater is now at a new temporary location at the home of a very generous radio amateur in Pointe-Claire, pending a move to higher ground. VE2BG is operating with a Motorola MTR2000 and a one-element Sinclair commercial VHF antenna up about 50 feet. Coverage is somewhat limited to the west-island.

We encourage everyone to try it out. Please note that VE2BG now requires an input tone of 103.5Hz to use (same as VE2RED).